Storia dietro l'illustrazione: L'Italia è bella perché é varia


How many times do we repeat that phrase: "The world is beautiful because it is varied", but how many times do we really think so?

Diversity, in any of its forms, is a wealth. Because diversity, whether social, economic or cultural, promotes development, makes us more open, more understanding, more tolerant, more creative. And so, by improving others we improve ourselves.

There are many examples of societies whose development has been supported by the presence of immigrants, such as Venezuela, the United States and Brazil; as a matter of fact, on the latter, the House of Culture website writes: "Rio Grande do Sul, located in the south of Brazil, is one of the most multiethnic and pluricultural states in the country [...], immigrants - together with Afro-descendants and to the gaúchos, the latter being an amalgam of Indians, Spaniards and Portuguese – contributed decisively to the construction of one of the most prosperous Brazilian states in the country".

Going closer, we find the Italian case, where: "many of the areas of Central-North where the majority of immigrants are living have income levels among the highest in the European Union and unemployment rates among the lowest " (

As human beings, we need to work together to move forward. We cannot know everything and we cannot find the solution to everything on our own. Diversity is the thing that has marked our evolution as a species, and we are a species made up of colours, not black and white.

"A source of exchanges, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is, for the human race, as necessary as biodiversity for any form of life. In this sense, it constitutes the common heritage of humanity and must be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations." UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity.

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